Jack E. Dickinson & Nat King Pole @ Candyass Cabaret, 20 Janvier

January 17th, 2012

Vous voulez une dose de Dukes en attendant Pantymonium?

Jack E. Dickinson des Dukes et Nat King Pole, collaborateur de longue date, performent au Candyass Cabaret de janvier (3e vendredi de chaque mois).

Venredi le 20 janvier, portes à 21h00, spectacle à 22h… 10$ à la porte.

Cafe Cleopatre, 1230 Boul. St-Laurent

De l’événement Facebook: (anglais seulement, désolé-e-s!)
A schmear of deliteful sometimes challenging entertainment … for your eyes and ears to feast on.

A tasty blend of artists in the heart of the historic entertainment district and the Main.
A dab of drag and a bissel of burlesque.

Reena the drag queen is the hostess with mostest
and you just might see Miss Candyass host a bit especially if you buy her some vodka…

Nat King Pole – Drag King extraordinaire !

Jack E. Dickinson – genderblending drag…jack!

Lady Hoops -sassy and sexy hooper

Diane Labelle the sublime bellydancer

Tanya the Mime !

Tommy Toxic performance poetry

Penelope the dragqueen

The divine Damiana Dolce burlesque lounge singer

Delvida dancing onstage

We have a traditional chinese opera dancer performing !

Win incredibly crappy prizes in our contest! Get hauled up on stage kicking and screaming non consentually for our contest.

Dead Dolls, Strippy girls, strippy boyz, lounge singers, dancers and more!

Get hammered on the Cleopatra Cocktail !! Buy more stuff you don’t need from the too cute cigarette girl ! Applaud Jane the very cute stage kitten.

DJ Boum Boum Clara will make you shimmy yer booty after the show as only a stripclub DJ can !


tel. 514-816-8054

Jack E. Dickinson & Nat King Pole @ Candyass Cabaret, January 20.

January 17th, 2012

Want some Duke action to tide you over till Pantymonium?

The Dukes own Jack E. Dickinson and long time Dukes friend Nat King Pole perform at this month’s Candyass Cabaret (third Friday of every month).

Friday, Jan 20, doors 21h00, show 10PM… 10$ at door.

Cafe Cleopatre, 1230 Boul. St-Laurent

From the Facebook event:
A schmear of deliteful sometimes challenging entertainment … for your eyes and ears to feast on.

A tasty blend of artists in the heart of the historic entertainment district and the Main.
A dab of drag and a bissel of burlesque.

Reena the drag queen is the hostess with mostest
and you just might see Miss Candyass host a bit especially if you buy her some vodka…

Nat King Pole – Drag King extraordinaire !

Jack E. Dickinson – genderblending drag…jack!

Lady Hoops -sassy and sexy hooper

Diane Labelle the sublime bellydancer

Tanya the Mime !

Tommy Toxic performance poetry

Penelope the dragqueen

The divine Damiana Dolce burlesque lounge singer

Delvida dancing onstage

We have a traditional chinese opera dancer performing !

Win incredibly crappy prizes in our contest! Get hauled up on stage kicking and screaming non consentually for our contest.

Dead Dolls, Strippy girls, strippy boyz, lounge singers, dancers and more!

Get hammered on the Cleopatra Cocktail !! Buy more stuff you don’t need from the too cute cigarette girl ! Applaud Jane the very cute stage kitten.

DJ Boum Boum Clara will make you shimmy yer booty after the show as only a stripclub DJ can !


tel. 514-816-8054

Dukes performing at the Candyass Club December 16!

December 16th, 2011

The Candyass Club takes place every third Friday at Café Cléopatre. This December’s show will feature the following Dukes Nat King Pole, Steevy Lixx and Mitch Mitcham and promises:

A schmear of deliteful sometimes challenging entertainment … for your eyes and ears to feast on. A tasty blend of artists in the heart of the historic entertainment district and the Main. A dab of drag and a bissel of burlesque.

doors 21h00 spectacle 22h00

10$ at door
Café Cléopatre
1230 boul.st.laurent

Come join us!

It’s Pure Pantymonium!

December 1st, 2011

The Dukes of Drag present: PANTYMONIUM*! Put your panties in the air like you just don’t care at our latest, crazy and sexy as ever full-length show! Bikini briefs, boxers, thongs, control tops … The Dukes want them all!!!
TWO NIGHTS ONLY with host Guizo La Nuit, in his first appearance with the Dukes of Drag!

Sala Rossa, 4848 St-Laurent

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3: The Dukes of Drag FAN NIGHT with more acts and special guest L. Diablo! Post-show photo booth with your favourite Dukes, old and new!
Doors at 8 PM, Show at 9 PM. $10 and free entrance to Saturday Meow Mix dance party (after midnight).

Confirm your attendance at the Friday show on our Facebook event!

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4: The Dukes of Drag MEOW MIX cabaret.
Doors at 9:30, Show at 10:30, Dance party at 11:30. $15

Confirm your attendance at the Saturday show on our Facebook event!


See you all there, dearest, hottest, craziest, sexiest fans!


*Produced in collaboration with Miriam Ginestier.

Pantymonium! La partie de bobettes en l’air la plus folle de l’année!

December 1st, 2011

Les Dukes of Drag présentent: PANTYMONIUM*! Joignez vous à la partie de bobettes en l’air la plus folle de l’année à notre nouveau spectacle de drag! Apportez vos p’tites culottes bikini, vos boxers, vos strings et vos culottes de maintien!
DEUX SOIRS SEULEMENT avec animation par Guizo La Nuit dans sa première prestation avec les Dukes of Drag!

Sala Rossa: 4848 St-Laurent

VENDREDI, LE 3 FÉVRIER: C’est la SOIRÉE DES FANS avec les Dukes of Drag! Plus de prestations et invitée spéciale L. Diablo. Cabine de photographie avec vos Ducs favoris, anciens et nouveaux!
Portes à 20h, spectacle à 21h. $10 plus entrée gratuite au party de
danse Meow Mix le samedi, dès minuit.

Confirmez votre présence au spectacle du vendredi sur notre page d’événement Facebook!

Portes à 21h30, spectacle à 22h30, party de danse à 23h30. $15

Confirmez votre présence au spectacle du samedi sur notre page d’événement Facebook!

Au plaisir de vous voir, chères fans les plus sexy, folles et capotantes!


*Produit en collaboration avec Miriam Ginestier.

Thanks to / Merci à Johnny Zoumboulakis!

September 27th, 2011

The Dukes of Drag would like to offer their sincerest congratulations to Johnny Zoumboulakis of Café Cleopatra for his recent victory against corporate takeover. We recognise that in standing up for his business, he was also standing up for all of us independent and underground artists and our right to be seen and heard. Thanks to Johnny, artists such as the Dukes of Drag and many others have a place to show our own support for various community groups such as l’Association des TranssexuelLEs du Québec, Head and Hands and VIHsion (who do amazing work for the people of Montreal. Our warmest thanks therefore go out to Johnny for fighting the good fight and allowing many of us to continue to express ourselves in all our sexy, genderfucking glory!

Thank you!

Les Dukes of Drag aimeraient sincèrement féliciter Johnny Zoumboulakis du Café Cléopâtre pour sa victoire récente contre un rachat corporatif. Nous reconnaissons que son combat pour maintenir son entreprise était aussi un combat pour les artistes indépendantEs et underground et notre droit d’être vuEs et entenduEs. Grâce à Johnny, des artistes tels les Dukes of Drag et bien d’autres ont un endroit pour montrer notre propre soutien à des groupes communautaires tels l’Association des TranssexuelLEs du Québec, À Deux Mains et VIHsion qui font un énorme travail important pour la population Montréalaise. Nous envoyons donc nos remerciements les plus chaleureux à Johnny pour son combat, qui permet à tellement de personnes d’entre nous de s’exprimer haut et fort dans toute notre glorieuse sexualité et expression de genre!


Upcoming gigs Fall 2011! Spectacles à venir automne 2011!

September 26th, 2011

(Le français suit)

Hello fans! The Dukes of Drag are still alive and, after a summer of rest, we are back more energised than ever! Stay tuned for more about our annual Meow Mix dragstavaganza on February 3-4, 2012, but circle those dates on your calendar right away!

In the meantime, some of our members are performing at various gigs around town. You won’t want to miss these shows! Scroll to the bottom of this post for details!


Allô les fans! es Dukes of Drag sont toujours vivants et, après un été de repos, nous sommes de retour avec plus d’énergie que jamais! Restez à l’écoute pour plus de détails au sujet de notre extravagance de drag annuel au Meox Mix mais mettez les dates du 3 et 4 février dans vos agendas tout de suite!

En atttendant, quelques unEs de nos membres performent dans des spectacles variés en ville. Ne manquez pas ces spectacles!


In Your Face entertainment FUN(d)RAISER/LEVÉE DE FONDS!!!! $free/admission gratuite
Saturday, October 1/samedi, le 1 octobre @ The Freestanding Room (4324 St.Laurent)
Doors 9 pm, Show 9:30 pm / Portes 21h, Spectacle 21h30

Dukes: Ian Poe Kerr & Swagger Lee


Candyass Cabaret, $10, October 21/21 octobre @ Café Cleopatra, 1230 St-Laurent, 9PM / 21h

Dukes: Nat King Pole

Meow Mix Cabaret, $10, Saturday, October 22 / samedi, le 22 octobre
Doors 9:30 * Show 10:30 * DJ 11:30 / Portes 21h30 * Spectacle 22h30 * DJ 23h30
La Sala Rossa (4848 Boulevard Saint Laurent, Montreal, QC)

Dukes: Bo Stallion, Ian Poe Kerr, Stephen LeDude,  Swagger Lee, Nat King Pole
Special guests:  Gabby Gams and Marcia Marcia

Fierté Trans! Trans Pride Gala!

April 23rd, 2011

Fundraiser for ATQThe Dukes are happy to announce their participation at the Trans Pride Gala on Saturday, May 7. We only have love, support and respect for our trans friends and colleagues at the ATQ and will be busting a groove to prove it.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Doors: 8:30 pm * Show 9:30 pm

Cabaret Cleopatra

1230, boul Saint-Laurent
Montreal, QC H2X 2S5

$10 -> All monies raised go to the ATQ!

Buy a t-shirt at the show to support the Dukes 🙂

Thank You LLFF!

April 19th, 2011

The Dukes had a fantabulous time at the London Lesbian Film Festival! Heartfelt thanks to:

  • the London Lesbian Film Festival, in particular to Mychèle Herz-Fischler
  • O’ Neil on lights plus Mike, Jay and all of the other friendly crew at The London Music Hall
  • DJ for taking our sound to the next level
  • Our photographer Ruth Less (photos on the way 🙂
  • Our Merch Boy Andy
  • Marissa for crocheting  a fantabulous Thongay!
  • and the LLFF amazing crowd in London, Ontario for receiving us so well.


Much Love,

The Dukes

Dukes of Drag at London Lesbian Film Festival

March 10th, 2011
This year, The London Lesbian Film Festival celebrates its 20th Anniversary! Always up for a party, the Dukes of Drag are travelling to London, Ontario commemorate this occasion with their gender bending antics. Come celebrate with us  at the LLFF’s Women’s Dance
Date: Saturday, Apr 16, 2011
Location: The Music Hall
185 Queens Ave – Enter the municipal parking lot between Clarence and Richmond on the south side.
Doors open: 7:30 pm
Tickets $20 (includes Dukes’ performance and Women’s dance).
Find more details about LLFF visit  here