Archive for September, 2008

Merci! Thank you!

Sunday, September 14th, 2008

Merci a tous qui a venue au “Stand UP/ Strip Down”!
Gary et Ian

Gary Dickinson et Ian Poe Kerr

Gary Dickinson et Ian Poe Kerr

Thanks all who made it out to “Stand Up/ Strip Down”!
Gary and Ian

Stand Up/ Strip Down

Sunday, September 7th, 2008

jeudi le 11 septembre, 2008

Deanne Smith hosts a night of comedy and Burlesque at Theatre Ste. Catherine.

Location: Theatre Ste. Catherine, 264 St. Catherine E., Montreal QC
Portes: 20h30
Billets: $10
Ducs: Gary Dickinson, Ian Poe Kerr